By: 明皓
Feel deeply touched,只因为那些自己也曾拥有过的惊人相似的感觉。希望那感觉已随着凛冽的北风而逝,而自己也并未不幸地成为那流水帐般叙述中一闪而逝的名词。生活在这样一个物化的社会里,真挚而细腻的情感象是“奢侈”品,间或让我们拥有,惊叹一下它的美妙,却也忍不住咒骂它的昂贵。总是不停地问自己,也问别人:
What's the use of doing this and that?
What's the use of living itself? What for? Who can give me the answer? Or the answer doesn't exist at all.
Who said that "Ericsson,...., 一切尽在掌握”。
Shit!!! Has the world ever been in our control?
it's good enough to have some more self-control.
Feel like that I have to stop here, otherwise I wouldn't be able to go to sleep tonight.
突然想起"Gone With The Wind" 中 Scarlete 说过的那句话“Tomorrow will be another day!" Feel a little bit cheerful.
Hey, we had so much joy and happiness together on that day and it's the first day of the new Millenium. A day to be remembered,isn't it? And I just want to tell you: it's so good to know the two of you.
希望我会是你和许海的美眉,now and forever.学过英语之后,发现自己原本说的不好的中国话,说得更加狗屁不通。因此偶尔不得不借助一下洋文来express myself, 反而觉得更自然,也不那么肉麻。(Sorry for my dirty-mouth.)我有何尝不是糙人一个!
PS:My name comes from this phrase, ‘明’眸‘皓’齿, given by my passed grandmother.